10 June 2010

1:3 Arlington National Cemetery, The Institution Isn't Broken, The Leadership Was.

The unbelievable news broke this morning (Thu, 10 Jun 10) around 0900 Eastern Standard Time, concerning the US Army’s forthcoming report on the leadership and handlings of day-to-day operations in Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). The report only mentioned an Air Force MSgt was buried on top of a SSgt already in the grave—as you could imagine this became the watercooler talk in Washington D.C., and then the media frenzy began. Later this afternoon, Secretary of the Army, The Honorable John McHugh broke the news and findings of the REPORT, one that has been in the making for the past two years, that there are approximately 200 remains of our fallen men and women that have been misidentified or misplaced.

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcwashington.com/video.

John Metzler, now former Superintendent of ANC, commented to Salon.com “About a fourth is somewhat factual, and the rest isn’t even close,” Metzler said. “Nobody here is doing anything malicious. … Sure, mistakes get made. … Does anyone run a perfect organization?” Really, Mr. Metzler! Are you serious? I have a bone to pick with you since you have risen to your soapbox. Why don’t you make that statement to the 200+ families of the misidentified and misplaced? I don’t think you should just be reprimanded, allowed to retire, I believe that you should be judged in a court of law. What you did, yes you Mr. Metzler, WAS malicious, unconscionable, and downright unpatriotic. In a more recent case of a Maryland funeral home, the director was prosecuted for stacking 40+ remains in a room. Here are 200+ remains of our fallen heroes, mis-identified and/or misplaced, and the leadership is allowed to retire and issued a reprimand. Where is the disconnect?
Now, the US Army must step in to correct and update a system that has not failed the institution of ANC as most have come to know, yet failed the 200+ men and women lost within the confines of ANC. The US Army must figure out how to find the remains of our fallen either by utilizing a ground-penetrating radar or disinterring the remains. The fallen deserve the investigation and the search, they earned their own resting place!
What do you think of this debacle? What do you think should happen to the leadership that have "retired" as of today? When was the last time you visited Arlington National Cemetery?
The following is a tribute video that I made this past Memorial Day, 2010, to honor those that have served and sacrificed. The song, Arlington is by Mr. Trace Adkins. 90% of its photos are mine and the remainder were clips from Google's Photo Tab.


  1. I absolutely love the video, you did a great job.

    As for Mr. Metzler-he should be ashamed of himself. I am discusted by his comments...I agree, he should be prosecuted!

  2. The events that are occurring within Arlington is shameful. This is a wake up call. Let us be reminded though the real reason why we have cemeteries like Arlington and the many others throughout the nation.

    I look forward to more posts from you.


Looking forward to hearing what you have to say!