23 June 2010

3:1 Does This Mean Burger King is Back in the AOR?

In recent events that broke late Monday evening/early Tuesday morning (21/22 Jun) about General Stanley McCrystal’s and staff’s comments about President Obama and his Administration in a Rolling Stone news report was shocking to say the least. On the flip side of the coin, I cannot name one person who hasn’t done something to that effect—in private conversation though. I believe General McCrystal and his staff showed flagrant disregard for conformity, professionalism, and military decorum. Now, we will only know of what the reporter supposedly dictated as his word in his report and I’m sure that there was at least some embellishing. Needless to say, General McChrystal’s resignation was the right thing to do--General Petraeus, "batter-up!"

I mean that in a very professional way. If he had not resigned and/or did not at the minimum be fired for his actions, it would have undermined the entire Military Judicial system. The Uniform Code of Military Justice, Article 88 explicitly states:

“Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department,
the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”

In other words, “shut up and color,” or at least that is what I was told when I served. Nevertheless, I shouldn’t have to delve further, if what happened was correct or incorrect. Morally, ethically, professionally, it was incorrect. It’s not okay for a military member to do what was done in Gen McCrystal’s camp, plain and simple.

Now, for the lighter side of this situation… does this mean that the Burger Kings, Pizza Huts, and other restaurants and MWR activities will return to some FOB’s like Kandahar and Bagram, now that Gen McChrystal is departing? Late last year to earlier this year, the famed BK and Pizza Huts had to pull out due to an order given by the Commanding General in an effort to free up funds, cargo, and so forth. “This is a war zone, not an amusement park,” wrote Command Sergeant-Major Michael T. Hall in a military blog—What it comes down to is focus, and to using the resources we have in the most efficient and effective ways possible.” I agree with him to some extent and I also understand that there are troops in the outposts/more remote bases that can’t even get the essentials (food and water). On the other hand, there’s nothing like coming in from those remote bases, or after “humping” it all day and un-wrapping that “Whopper.”

I wish the best of luck to all the men and women deployed and to the new Commanding General, General David Petraeus. The road is long and arduous, our country and our military men and women are all too familiar with that road--we will succeed!


  1. I completely agree with you!!!! As a former member of the military, we all know you don't talk bad about your commander in chief, no matter what your personal opinion is of him!!! This is part of your code of conduct, it has been around for ever and is part in parcel of being in the military!!!! If you want to spout off about the potus, fine, wait till you get out to do it, but if you wear the uniform you know that you must "shut up and color" to use your great quote!!! I am mad as heck about this!!! I feel that Gen McCrystal was the one who let our troops down, he is the one who has put our victory in Afghanistan on the line, he knows better!!!
    (of course all this is assuming the reports are all true and that they weren't taken out of context)
    Now, off my soap box, on a lighter note, I for one think there was nothing wrong with a pizza hut or a burger king, no a fob is not an amusement park but it things should be done to improve moral and I for one loved my Burger King when I was in the desert and got tired of chow hall food!!! Nothing improved my moral faster then a personal pan pizza!!!!!!

  2. Now, away my cleaning soap container, over a brighter notice, I first think there were no problem having a pizza hut or a burger king, no a fob isn't a theme park nonetheless it issues should be carried out to enhance meaning and I first cherished my own Burger King after i was in the actual wasteland and also got sick and tired of chow hall foodstuff!!! Nothing increased my personal ethical more rapidly then the private griddle pizzas!!!!!!

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