22 July 2010

7:3 Air Force Motto: Searching For An Identity.

“Aim High,” “Cross Into The Blue,” and “Above All,” have been mottos for the US Air Force over the years and is again searching for an identity.  At 63 years young, the Air Force has continuously, especially since the early 1990’s, redesigned uniforms, changed mottos, and even the symbol.  It’s no wonder Airman are essentially saying, “enough already.”  “Why can’t we just be happy with our heritage,” said one Airman.  Heritage, something I think the Air Force should really look at.  For instance, the Marine Corps adopted their motto “Semper Fidelis” in 1883, 108 years after their birth.  The mottos preceding Semper Fidelis were “Fortitudine” (with courage), “Per Mare, Per Terram” (by sea, by land), and “To The Shores of Tripoli” are mottos that actually have meaning and follow heritage.  Crossing into the blue, has to be, by far the worst motto!  Above All?  Where is the heritage or meaning in those mottos?

At least “Aim High” had some semblance of meaning.  When searching all the branches under a consolidated roof of semi-knowledge, the Air Force is the only branch that has a side note next to its motto:  “Above All, (as of 19 February 2008)”—that’s just sad.  I believe that the USAF Pipe Band has absolutely kept a bit of heritage since the early days of the US Air Force by retaining the same tartan over the years.  Named the “Mitchell” Tartan after General William “Billy” Mitchell, the colors and pattern of the tartan have remained the same to this day.  There you go, a bit of heritage, kept because it doesn’t need to be changed.  Grant it, the uniforms of the USAF needed change, but every few years?  What was really wrong with the four-pocket, four-button service dress uniform?

Back to the motto—rambling can even occur online!  The Air Force Times is running it’s own contest in selecting a motto for the Air Force.  With over 300 entries to date, some of which are:
Above and Beyond
Fly, Fight, Win
Global Strike
Always in the Fight
Victory from Above
Higher, Farther, Faster

Here are some that will probably not make it past the first round of deliberations:
Get High, Legally
It Ain’t Broke, So Let’s Fix It
Shut Up and Color
If You Don’t Like Air Force Policy Today, Wait Two Years

I believe I have a motto for the Air Force:
Prestantia Per Vigilare
Superiority Through Vigilance

I hope I didn’t slaughter Latin!  I believe that could stick with the Air Force through the ages!  It’s by far a motto that surely could have been used through the birth of the Air Force, through the Korean and Vietnam Wars and surely through the Cold War Era!  The Air Force has always remained vigilant and air superiority and now cyber superiority is huge!  By utilizing only “superiority,” units can attach their mission statement to the motto, for instance:  Fighter Units, “Air Superiority Through vigilance;” Civil Engineering Units, “Engineering Superiority Through Vigilance;”  Cyber Space Units, “Cyber Superiority Through Vigilance.”  Easy enough, no need to ever change!  What are your opinions?

Gen Chandler, AF/CV, notified MAJCOM leaders of his direction to create an Air Force motto. SAF/PA has the lead and will conduct an AF-wide, summer-long effort to develop a new motto.

The Air Force motto is to be a short phrase that captures what it means to be an Airman, that summarizes what the Air Force stands for. It should be unique to the Air Force. It should be an internal rallying cry for all Airmen. The Air Force motto should endure to future generations of Airmen.
Once established internally, it can be used in external advertising and communication.

Source Story:  Air Force Times

Photo Source:  Air Force

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